Participation: This is not a lecture class. Students are expected to come prepared to class to be able to keep up with the discussion/debate class section. Much of the learning in this course occurs during class discussions and group assignments. Participation goes beyond reading/watching the assigned materials, participation is about generating questions, asking doubts, sharing your thoughts and ideas, and giving productive feedback. Collaboration is encouraged. Say what you think, just be polite.
For these reasons, your presence and attendance is class is very important. The student attendance policy: As stated in the college catalog: “Attendance in class is a requirement and will be considered in the evaluation of student performance. Instructors are required to keep an official record of student attendance. The maximum number of unexcused absences is limited to 15% of the number of class hours. Note: Absences are counted from the first day of class even if they are a result of late registration or change of program” (117). For this class you are allowed 5 hours as unexcused absences. I will notify you ahead of time if class is cancelled due to an emergency.
The academic dishonesty policy: As stated in the catalog: “Academic Dishonesty is prohibited in the City University of New York and is punishable by penalties ranging from a grade of ‘F’ on a given test, research paper or assignment, to an ‘F’ in the course or suspension or expulsion from the College. Academic Dishonesty includes: Cheating, Plagiarism, Internet Plagiarism, Obtaining Unfair Advantages, Falsification of Records and Official Documents, Misconduct in Internships (117): Academic Dishonesty Committee & CUNY’s Standards of academic integrityIf you are not sure what counts as plagarism, ASK!
The use oftechnologyis essentially baked into this course, which will likely lead to moments of both joy and frustration throughout the semester (you need to be patient!). I believe technology can be an incredible tool for educational growth and that it’s inextricably intertwined with most facets of contemporary life. Use your technology wisely– be thoughtful about when and how you use technology in class, especially with respect to what you broadcast to the people around you.
Late & missed homework/assignments: Late homework will not be accepted and no partial credit will be given (No exceptions). Makeup exams will be given only when prior notice of absence is received. THIS IS JUST ALLOWED FOR ABSENCES THAT HAVE BEEN JUSTIFIED IN ADVANCED.
Email us at [email protected] so we can respond to your questions and requests. Please email from your CUNY email address if possible. Or visit our help site for more information: