I took this photo at my job, which is a school located in Brooklyn New York. within this school, there’s a large range of students who come from various backgrounds. With this sign being translated into different languages, it was created to send the importance to the students and their parents that the importance of healthy eating the actions that the school is willing to take and ensure the kids are properly fed by giving free lunches.
Category: Linguistic Landscape
Songhui’s linguistic landscape
This picture took at the sunnyside in Queens. This picture include English and Korean. The store is a hardware shop.
Linguistic Landscape (Arlene)
a) These pictures were taken in Astoria, Queens on 30th Ave and 12th st.
b) The language used in the pictures is English.
c) The first sign on the left says “Super Fresh Queen Andrea” and the one on the right says “CRASH!”
Linguistic Landscape (Maria)

I think that this picture represent the different ways that we are able to communicate with each other without using any word.
Linguistic Landscape (Chris)
I took this picture around my job in Fresh Pond RD. Im not too sure about what language is it but since the area is predominantly Albanian and polish, it has to be one or the other. I took this picture because I felt like it was representative of the people in that area.
Bangla Bazar
I took this picture in Bangla Bazar Avenue, Parkchester neighborhood in the Bronx

I took these pictures at Laguardia college.
Linguistic Landscape(Jermaine)
This photograph was taken in Queens on the 7 train line,It is a service announcement about scheduled track work and it appears to translated into Spanish, and two dialects either Mandarin and Catonese
Malique Mitchell
This picture was taken at 46st-bliss st by the 7 train. This sign is in english. The sign says sunny side which is a small strip mall type area and the sign was put up in 1984.
Linguistic Landscape (Inés)
a) These pictures were taken at the Salt Lake International airport (Utah) last fall.
b) The signs on the top use Spanish and English, while the other uses English and Mandarin Chinese (I think, I am not sure)
c) We can know what the signs say because there is a translation in English, but why do they pick the Spanish language for the hygiene sign in the bathroom and Chinese? for the human trafficking one?
Vaniqua Linguistic Landscape
a) where was the picture taken? b) what language(s) are used? c) what do the signs say? (***Remember to categorize your post as “Linguistic Landscape”***)
A) This picture was taken outside of my daughters public school at dismissal.
B) I love my daughters school because it is so diverse. The parents and children are from all over the world, speaking Korean ,Spanish,Greek, greman, Bangla,and English.
C) There are just street lights, walk signs and school zone sighns and markings In this area.
My daughter’s public school is right there street from our house so I feel this is where I can take a picture and strongly able to show my Linguistic Landscape.